That's why you should write it down.

No one ever tells you how hard it is. Maybe it's because no one ever remembers how hard it is. No one ever wants to remember how hard it is. It's one of those situations where survival instinct kicks in. Your mind tries to protect itself (you) and so reconsiders everything that happened and shows it to you in a different light, a better light. You find yourself thinking, saying to others: "no it wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty fine." But it's not true, our mind always paints a better picture and that is because it doesn't want bad feelings, hurtful feelings to stick on.  That is survival.

But it was bad, hard, challenging, painful and it is important to remember exactly how it was. That's why it's good to write it down. Write it for exactly what it is. In a personal journal, a blog or whatnot but you've got to stay true to yourself, you've got to be honest. Say it as it is. Don't polish it, keep all the bad details, the gritty bits, the uncomfortable thoughts, the thoughts that even you were surprised even you could think. It's important to remember how it was, not to dwell in the bad feelings or prolong the pain or the hurt but to realise that you did truly overcome that pile of crap you thought would always surround you, whatever that is. That's why. So when things have turned for the better, when you're doing well, when you've settled in, moved over, healed, succeeded, you will realise what you have truly overcome. And you won't tell yourself: "oh it wasn't that bad."
No. You will tell yourself: "it was crap, it sucked balls and look now! it doesn't anymore. I managed to get out of there. I did it."

You did it.

That's why you should write it down.
